Grub Control: How to Get Rid of Grubs in Your Lawn

Grubs can quickly destroy your pristine lawn. They cause damage that can take weeks or months to recover from.

The short answer for how to get rid of grubs is to use a specialized insecticide like Acelepryn. This grub insecticide is available as a granular or liquid and will make quick work of getting rid of grubs in your lawn.



Keep reading to learn more about armyworms and for guidance on how to use Acelepryn insecticide to get rid of them.

What are Grubs

Grubs are the larvae of various different beetle species. They hide under and inside of your lawn, feeding at the roots and wreaking havoc on your turf. Grubs target these areas because the roots are where all of the nutrients in the soil are drawn in, and it’s also where water is absorbed into the grass.

Without effective grub control measures, you’ll start to see lots of brown patches on your lawn. The grass will also start to weaken as it’s being stripped of essential water and nutrients. This will make even the most cherished golf course lawn look run-down and abandoned. So, here’s what you can do to start controlling grubs.

White grub

How to Identify a Grub Infestation

Lawn damage isn’t always caused by grubs. In some cases, adverse weather conditions and lawn diseases can also lead to brown patches or weakened grass. It’s vital that you confirm it’s a grub control issue before you decide to use various products to deal with them.

So here’s how to identify if it’s a grub infestation.

Related: Common Lawn Pests and How to Identify Them (With Pictures)


The biggest telltale sign of a grub infestation is when there are brown patches on your lawn. This happens because there are grubs feeding on the water and nutrients at the roots of your grass. It deprives your lawn of the essential components it needs to grow and look healthy, hence why it turns brown over time. 

It’s worth mentioning that grubs aren’t the only cause of brown patches on your lawn. Excessive moisture, poor soil health, and even high heat and humidity can also cause irregular brown patches. So before you start using an insecticide or similar products, it’s worth confirming that it’s grubs first.

brown patches in lawn

Spongy-Feeling Lawn

As the grubs are targeting the roots of your lawn, they tend to create a separation between the grass and the soil beneath it. If you lightly press your foot against the grass, then you might notice parts of your lawn feel more spongy than others. This can be a sign that the roots of your lawn are damaged, and it could be caused by grubs eating away at it.

Test the grass by lightly pulling or pushing the lawn. If it feels a little loose or easy to move, then it’s a sign that you might be facing a grub infestation. When combined with brown patches and weakened grass, a spongy-feeling lawn is almost certainly a grub-related problem.

Increased Wildlife Activity

Animals tend to flock to wherever there’s a source of food and water. If your lawn is infested with grubs, then there’s a good chance that you’ll start seeing more animals that are actively hunting the grubs. The most common culprits are birds, skunks, raccoons, and moles.

If you see an increase in their numbers, or if you catch them digging at your lawn or even escaping with a grub, then it’s a clear sign of a grub control problem. You might also notice more beetle activity around your lawn. If you see actual beetles on your lawn, then there’s a good chance that you’ll also find grubs.

moles digging up lawn


Related: How to Get Rid of Moles in Your Lawn

Visual Confirmation of Larvae

And lastly, if you can actually see grubs while you’re inspecting your lawn, then you’ve definitely got a grub problem. The positive news is that you’ve at least confirmed their presence, so you can start looking into different grub control products that are made for lawns. By acting quickly, you can resolve the grub problem before it gets out of hand.


japanese beetle larve


Related: Meet the Grubs That Destroy Your Lawn


How to Get Rid of Grubs

Getting rid of grubs generally means using an insecticide to deal with them. While effective, they can also be dangerous if used incorrectly. Some insecticides can be damaging to pets, bees, and other insects that would typically be helpful in reducing lawn pest populations.

But with newer insecticides, you can actually get all of the benefits of effective grub removal without harming your lawn or pollinators.

What Kills White Grubs

Golf Course Lawn Store offers a number grub control insecticides that can effectively kill white grubs, billbugs, and other similar larvae while also reducing future populations. These products are also much safer to use on both residential and commercial lawns, and they won’t harm pollinators and invertebrates like earthworms.

Here are our top grub control products:

Acelepryn SC is a liquid insecticide that offers exceptional grub control on the first application. It’s an effective white grub control, can target billbugs, and other insects like spittle bugs and chinch bugs. It eliminates the most common insects that can damage your lawn and is safe to use on all grass types.

Acelepryn is one of the safest insecticides used in the industry. It can be used on both residential and commercial grass while posing little risk to pets or people when used as directed. It’s the exact same product used by industry experts to manage grub populations on commercial golf courses and other sports turf.

A single bottle of liquid Acelepryn SC can cover up to 22,200 square feet of lawn, giving you plenty of product to clear grub infestations over a large area. It also comes with a built-in measuring cup for easy mixing and application.



Acelepryn G uses the same chlorantraniliprole as Acelepryn SC. Acelepryn G is an excellent choice for people that prefer the ease associated with applying granular products. Like it’s liquid variant, it is safe to use on both residential and commercial lawns, and it doesn’t harm pollinators or earthworms. 

Acelepryn G provides excellent grub control that will continue to protect your lawn for months after the initial application. It can be used on all types of grass, and a single bag covers up to 21,000 square feet.



Caravan G is a combination of granular insecticide and fungicide. It offers fantastic grub control and doubles as a fungus control product as well. This is a great product to use if you’re confident that you’re facing a grub infestation, but also need a fungicide to protect your lawn against common lawn fungi such as brown patches, fairy ring, or necrotic ring spot.

A single bag covers up to 15,000 square feet. Caravan G is safe for all grass types. It’s also easy to apply using a broadcast spreader. You’ll save time and money with this combination product that tackles multiple problems in a single bag.



Related: The Most Effective Fungicides to Use on Your Lawn

When to Apply Insecticides to Control Grubs

It’s important to apply grub control insecticides at the right time to get the best results. This requires a bit of knowledge regarding grub and beetle life cycles.

When are White Grubs Most Active?

White grubs and other common species tend to burrow deep in the ground between October to March, so applying a grub insecticide during these months will have little effect because it can’t penetrate deep into the soil.

April to September is when white grubs are most active.

They will start to feed on roots between April and May, then they’ll grow into fully-developed beetles by June.

Around July, they will start to mate and lay eggs, which hatch towards the beginning of August. 

These new larvae will continue to feed until late September before burrowing deep into the soil to escape the cold.

The Best Months to Apply a Grub Insecticide

broadcast spreader on lawn

The best months to apply a grub insecticide will coincide with the larval stages of their life cycle. This means that you should ideally aim to treat your lawn when you first see signs of adult beetles in order to prevent their eggs from hatching successfully. This can be at any time between April and August.

Preventative grub care is often the best way to deal with a grub infestation, as insecticides are less effective against full-sized grubs.

In short, your best window of opportunity is to apply a grub insecticide between the months of April to June to catch the first wave of beetles laying their eggs. You then have another window of opportunity from July to September as the second wave of eggs begins to hatch, and the grubs start to burrow deeper into your soil.

Grubs can be a nuisance to deal with, but with the right insecticides and timing, you can effectively kill white grubs and other lawn pests with relative ease.

Golf Course Lawn Store can help you on your way to achieving a Golf Course Lawn. Become the envy of your neighborhood and browse our full range of products today.

Ron Henry owner of golf course lawn store

Ron Henry

Ron Henry is the founder of Golf Course Lawn, which is dedicated to helping homeowners achieve golf course-quality lawns. He holds a certificate in Sports Turfgrass Management from the University of Georgia. With expert knowledge in turf care, fertilization, and weed control, he shares practical tips and product recommendations to create lush, healthy lawns.