DIY Lawn Care Blog — Tips and Guides | Golf Course Lawn

How Humic Acid Can Help Your Lawn Thrive

Unless you're deeply engrossed in soil science, farming, or gardening, the term "humic acid" might not ring a bell. Yet it’s one of Mother Nature’s...

How to Maintain an Eco-Friendly Lawn

In this article, we’ll look at a wide range of strategies and techniques that promote a thriving lawn through organic processes and eco-friendly c...

The Ultimate Guide to Fall Weed Control

As the vibrant colors of summer begin to fade and the air turns cooler, it's time for homeowners to shift their focus to fall lawn care.

What Types of Weeds Look Like Grass?

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of grass-like weeds commonly found in lawns. We will explore their distinct appearances, ...

The Pros and Cons of Using Lawn Fertilizer

In this post, we will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of using lawn fertilizer, examine alternative options, and discuss best practices...

What Is Lawn Scalping and When Should You Do It?

By the end of this blog, you will have the knowledge and confidence to make informed decisions regarding your lawn care routine.

Why You Should Start Spoon Feeding Your Lawn

We’ll cover products, application rates, and how often to spoon-feed your lawn — including bonus tips on how to make the most of your applications.

What Are the 3 Most Common Lawn Weeds?

Let's explore some of the most common weeds found in the United States in depth — looking at their appearance and preferred growing conditions

What Are the Best Grass Seed Types and How Long Do They Take to Grow?

Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let's explore the fascinating world of grass seeds and the mysteries of their growth.

How to Nail Weed Management This Summer

From weed identification to using the best lawn care products and equipment for managing weeds, keep on reading. So, let's dive in and learn how to...

How to Create Stripes in Your Lawn

Whether you're a seasoned lawn care pro or a DIY lawn enthusiast, we’ll provide all the information you need to finesse your lawn striping patterns

What Is the Best Soil for Green Lawns?

Here, we'll look at the best types of soil for lawns and explore soil that is suited for growing healthy grass.