Golf Course Lawn Collections FAQ

Q: What is fertilizer, and how does it benefit my lawn?

A: Fertilizer is a substance that contains essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, which help promote healthy growth in plants. Applying fertilizer to your lawn can help provide the necessary nutrients for your grass to grow strong and healthy.

Q: How do I choose the right fertilizer for my lawn?

A: The type of fertilizer you should use will depend on the specific needs of your lawn. Consider factors such as the type of grass you have, the pH of your soil, and the climate in your area. You can also check out our blog on everything you need to know about lawn fertilization.

Q: How do I apply weed killer to my lawn?

A: There are a few different ways to apply weed killer to your lawn, depending on your specific product. Some weed killers are applied using a spray bottle or a hose-end sprayer, while others come in granule form and can be applied using a lawn spreader. Always follow the application instructions on the label and make sure to wear protective clothing when applying. For more info, read our blog about the best weed killers to use without killing your grass. 

Q: What are biostimulants, and how do they benefit my lawn?

A: Biostimulants are substances that can help improve the health and vigor of plants by enhancing their natural growth and development processes. You can apply these products to your lawn to help improve its overall health and appearance.

Q: How do I use a soil testing kit and pH adjuster?

A: To use a soil testing kit, follow the instructions to collect a soil sample and send it to the lab for analysis. The analysis results will provide information on the pH and nutrient levels in your soil, which can help you determine the best course of action for improving the health of your lawn. If the pH of your soil is too high or too low, you can use a pH adjuster to bring it to the optimal range for your specific type of grass. For more info, check out this video which explains the whole process.

Q: What are soil moisture managers?

A: Our soil moisture managers reduce watering requirements by up to 50%. They're available in granular and liquid forms helping you to lower your monthly watering bill. Our products are effective for up to three months from the time of application. They're an excellent investment for maintaining golf course grass at home while using less water. 

Q: What is a fungicide, and how do I use it on my lawn?

A: A fungicide controls or prevents fungal diseases in plants. If your lawn shows signs of a fungal infection, such as yellowing grass or mushrooms, you may need to apply a fungicide to help control the spread of the disease. Always follow the application instructions on the label and make sure to wear protective clothing when applying. Read our guide on the most effective fungicides to use on your lawn.

Q: What is a pesticide, and how do I use it on my lawn?

A: A pesticide is a substance that controls or prevents pests, such as insects or weeds, from damaging plants. If pests are damaging your lawn, you may need to apply a pesticide to help control the population. Always follow the application instructions on the label and make sure to wear protective clothing when applying. Read our Complete Guide to Pest Control For Your Lawn.

Still don’t know where to start and need advice? Reach out to us via our contact form or email. The only thing we can't do is mow your lawn or make it rain. Even better, join the Golf Course Lawn Academy.