Broadleaf Weed Control - Triad Select 3-Way Herbicide

  • $45.99
  • $39.99

Triad Select™ Herbicide uses a blend of three weed killers to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds. This weed killer is among the best for getting rid of dandelions. Triad Select is an excellent herbicide that's a “bump up” from store-bought options. It is one of the best weed killers that won't kill grass when used as directed.

  • Visible results in 10 - 14 days
  • Controls dandelion, clover, chickweed, wild onion and broadleaf plantain
  • Safe weed killer for most warm and cool season lawns
  • 1-quart bottle (32 oz) covers 21,000 square feet
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Triad Select™ Herbicide uses a blend of three weed killers to control a wide range of broadleaf weeds. This weed killer is among the best for getting rid of dandelions. Triad Select is an excellent herbicide that's a “bump up” from store-bought options. It is one of the best weed killers that won't kill grass when used as directed.

  • Visible results in 10 - 14 days
  • Controls dandelion, clover, chickweed, wild onion and broadleaf plantain
  • Safe weed killer for most warm and cool season lawns
  • 1-quart bottle (32 oz) covers 21,000 square feet

Triad Select is a safe weed killer that contains the same active ingredients, (Dicamba, 2,4D, and MCPA), as many store-bought products. But, you will find that Triad Select contains these ingredients in higher concentrations. In fact, this product is like the ones the pros use every day.

It is one of the best weed killers that won't kill grass when used as directed. 

Here are the common weeds that Triad controls:
Dandelion, Lespedeza, Poison Oak, Wild Carrot, Black Medic, Dockweed, Mallow, Purslane Wild Garlic, Buckhorn, Ground Ivy, Morning Glory, Ragweed, Wild Lettuce, Burdock, Peppergrass, Sheep Sorrel, Wild Onion, Chicory, Henbit, Pigweed, Shepherd’s Purse, Yarrow, Chickweed, Knotweed, Plantain, Speedwell, Clover, Lambsquarters, Poison Ivy, Spurge

Active ingredients: 2,4-D (30.89%), MCPA ( 8.23%), Dicamba (2.77%)

Triad Select can be used on the following grass types: 

Cool Season Lawns - Kentucky Bluegrass, Turf Type Tall Fescue (all fescues), Ryegrass. 

Warm Season Lawns - Bermuda,  Zoysia

* Do not use on Centipede or St Augustine grasses.

Label: Triad Select PDF label

Application: Battery-powered 4 gallon sprayer with  TeeJet foliar spray tip recommendedIt is not to be applied via a hose-end sprayer. 

When to Apply: Do not apply if temperatures are over 90F. If temps are that high, apply in the evening when they dip below 90F and elect to spot spray instead of blanket spraying.


1 quart covers 21,300 square feet

1 gallon covers 85,300 square feet

2.5 gallons covers 213,300 square feet

Application rates:

Mix 1.5 oz. of Triad Select with 1 gallon of water per 1000 sq. feet.

Use a non-ionic surfactant with Triad Select for best results. Non-ionic surfactant helps Triad stick to the weeds better. 

Application sites:

For use in Golf Courses, Sod Farms, Highways, Right-of-Ways, and similar Non-Crop areas, Ornamental Turf-grass (Residential & Commercial), Parks, Cemeteries and Athletic Fields

Does Triad Select need to be watered in?

  • No. Triad Select works via foliar uptake. Simply spray the weeds you're targeting and allow it to dry.

Can I apply granular fertilizer or CarbonizPN-G on the same day as Triad Select?

  • Yes. We recommend that granular fertilizer and CarbonizPN-G be applied before Triad Select.

Can I apply other liquids and Triad Select on the same day?

How long does it take for weeds to die after spraying with Triad Select?

  • It depends on the weed being targeted and temperature. Most weeds begin to yellow within 14 days of application.

Should I use surfactant with Triad Select?

  • Yes. For best results we recommend using a surfactant with Triad Select.

Are there temperature restrictions with this product?

  • Yes. We don't recommend spraying your lawn with Triad Select when temperatures exceed 85F as injury may occur.

How long should I wait before resuming mowing?

  • For best results do not mow 2 days before application and 2 days after. For example, if you plan to spray Triad on Saturday, your last mow would be on Thursday. You would resume mowing on the following Tuesday.


Shipping: United States Only.

Currently NOT shipping to:(AK,HI). For 2.5 Gallon Jug shipments to AZ, CA, CO, WA, OR, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT, WY just a small shipping charge of $9.95/ea will be applied.

We can not ship to PO Boxes

Typically delivered in 3 - 7 business days.

Cancellations | Returns | Exchanges: All sales are final, no cancellations, returns, or exchanges

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