Armyworm Control: How to Get Rid of Armyworms Quickly

 Armyworms pose a big obstacle when it comes to maintaining a pristine lawn. They quickly cause damage that can take weeks or months to recover from.

The short answer for how to get rid of armyworms is to use a specialized insecticide like Acelepryn. This armyworm insecticide is available as a granular or liquid and will make quick work of getting rid of armyworms in your lawn.


Keep reading to learn more about armyworms and for guidance on how to use Acelepryn insecticide to get rid of them.

What is an Armyworm?

Understanding Armyworms: Armyworms, also known as Fall Armyworms, are the larvae of moths. They get their name due to their habit of traveling together in large numbers, consuming any plants that stand in their path. They are extremely disruptive pests, and will munch on almost all crops or grasses they encounter.

Infestation Process: Moths lay eggs in lawn grasses, initiating an infestation after a wet spring. Within 5-10 days, hatched eggs become caterpillar-like insects feeding on foliage for weeks.

Regional Presence: Predominantly found in the Southern United States, armyworms may appear elsewhere. Recognize signs easily and learn identification, treatment, and prevention methods in the following section.

How to Get Rid of Armyworms

1. Observation

The first step in dealing with an armyworm problem is to identify them. By knowing what to look for, you can determine whether or not an infestation is underway and then take action to remove it.

If you incorrectly identify your particular pest, you risk obtaining the wrong insecticides, wasting time and money and potentially damaging your lawn. It’s important to be confident in your diagnosis.


Related: How to Identify Common Lawn Pests (With Pictures)


So what does an armyworm look like, and how does it differ from other caterpillars?

armyworm on leaf

The picture above clearly shows the appearance of a typical armyworm. They are generally light green or tan in the early stages of their development, changing to dark green or brown later on. A fully grown larva has a length of between 1 and 1.5 inches, and may be distinguished by a pattern of colorful stripes down its body. 

Their head capsules have a distinctive Y-shape and are usually brown in color. Armyworms tend to move as a large group, and their activity will be highest between summer and fall. 

Other signs of an armyworm infestation can be seen with a close inspection of your lawn. You may notice “scallop marks” on leaves where the pests have chewed the edges. Or you can look for caterpillar excrement which collects on leaves or the base of plants, resembling green or yellow cylindrical pellets.


2. Treatment

Once you have identified the presence of an armyworm infestation, it’s essential you act quickly to remove the pests and minimize any further damage. 

What kills armyworms? The most effective armyworm insecticide is a product called Acelepryn. The product comes in two forms: Acelepryn G, a granular insecticide, and Acelepryn SC - a liquid insecticide. Both forms of the product are extremely effective, delivering a powerful assault to quickly get rid of armyworms.

But how do you use Acelepryn?

Acelepryn G: Before you begin, ensure you have all the relevant equipment ready, like a broadcast spreader if you’re using the granular version. Apply Acelepryn granules to your lawn at a rate of 1.15 - 2.3 lb per 1,000 square feet. Using a broadcast spreader will ensure an even and consistent distribution, so you don’t miss any key areas. 

For more specifics on how to apply Acelepryn G, check out our helpful YouTube video:


Acelepryn SC: If you prefer a liquid insecticide, Acelepryn SC is the product for you. Simply spray your lawn with the insecticide mixed at a rate of around 0.2 fl. ounces per gallon to cover 1,000 square feet. This will kill any armyworms that are exposed to the solution.

For maximum impact, apply Acelepryn late in the afternoon when armyworms are most active. Be sure not to water or mow your lawn for at least 24 hours after application. You'll need a sprayer to accurately apply Acelepryn SC.

Watch this short video for detailed tips on mixing and applying Acelpryn SC.


3. Prevention

It is one thing to remove an armyworm infestation, but it’s also essential you take steps to prevent them from returning. The following tips and tricks will help you to keep your lawn pest-free for the foreseeable future.

  • Inspect and monitor your lawn at regular intervals. Look out for the common signs of armyworm infestation and ensure you rake your lawn and clear debris to remove any potential armyworm hiding places.
  • Keep your lawn well watered and regularly mowed at the correct height for your grass type to promote root growth and optimize health. Grass mowing height guide
  • When your grass is actively growing, fertilize monthly to boost nutrient levels and increase resilience against pests.
  • Use Acelepryn G or Acelepryn SC twice per year for preventative maintenance.


Related: Yearly Lawn-Care Schedule: a 365-Day Timeline 


Armyworms March Somewhere Else!

To conclude, armyworms can have a hugely detrimental impact on your lawn and garden if you are not careful. 

Use this guide to identify an armyworm infestation, by recognizing the pests and their symptoms. Follow the steps outlined above to get rid of armyworms, and take regular preventative measures to prevent them from coming back.

By following these tips, you can ensure a healthy, flourishing lawn and garden. 


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